On April 16, the International Symposium on Innovation and Application for International Chinese Language Education was held on ZUFE's Xiasha Campus, presided over by Chai Zhixian, President of the School of International Education and Studies of ZUFE. Experts and scholars from domestic and foreign universities in the United States, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Macao, and other countries or regions participated in this forum online or offline, totaling over 120. ZUFE’s Vice President, Professor Li Zhanrong attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Professor Zhu Yongping, Director of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA, delivered a speech via video.
Vice President Li Zhanyong extended a warm welcome to the experts and scholars present and briefly introduced the school. He pointed out that the world's demand for international Chinese education was changing day by day, and it needed the joint efforts of experts and scholars to promote the development of international Chinese education and resource innovation. In addition, he believed that the exchange in this symposium could bring enlightenment to international Chinese teaching during the epidemic and help the spread of Chinese culture.

The report of the symposium was presided over by Jia Qin, Associate Professor of the School of International Education and Studies of ZUFE and Director of the Linguistic Society of Zhejiang Province, and Dong Shuhui, Professor of the School of Chinese Language and Culture of Nankai University. Professor Zhu Yongping from University of Notre Dame, Professor Jiang Liping from Beijing Language and Culture University, Professor Li Kai from Oberlin College, Professor Zhao Yongfeng from Sichuan International Studies University, Professor Guan Daoxiong from University of California, Santa Barbara, Professor Yang Xiaoli from Anhui University, Professor Daouretti from Eurasian National University and Professor Yu Muhong from our university made presentations respectively entitled "Formal Expression and Teaching Strategies of Words and Sentences", "Construction of Teaching Resources Based on Grading Standards - An Example of Phonetic Query System", "Advanced Chinese Teaching Theory and Teaching Method --The Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language in the U.S. University Chinese Teaching Sequence", "Cultural Communication in International Chinese Education Practice in the Context of Irving Goffman's Symbolic Interaction Theory", "Specialized Chinese Education in the New Perspective of International Chinese Education", "The Morphemes of the Standard for Chinese Proficiency in International Chinese Language Education and Related Reflections", "Research and Current Situation of Chinese Teaching in Kazakhstan", "Reflections on Chinese Character Teaching Theory in International Chinese Education: A Perspective Based on Output Oriented Approach".

Keynote Speakers
The afternoon forum was hosted by Xia Qun and Jia Qin, associate professors of the School of International Education and Studies of ZUFE and directors of the Linguistic Society of Zhejiang Province. Experts, young scholars, and front-line teachers, totaling over sixty, discussed the topics of international Chinese communication and Chinese language research, and the practice and exploration of international Chinese education and teaching online. New teaching designs and models were proposed for traditional language skills teaching, and the development direction and path of international Chinese education were indicated in the context of the development trends of Chinese education and research hotspots.

At the closing ceremony, Zhao Qian, Vice President of the School of International Education and Studies of ZUFE, made a comprehensive summary of the conference and expressed her heartfelt thanks to the participating experts and delegates, hoping to take this symposium as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation among all parties and build a platform for promoting the high-quality development of international Chinese education.
The forum aimed to promote the reform of international Chinese education, and thus boost the global communication of Chinese culture. Serving as an excellent learning opportunity for both students and teachers, this forum was of great significance to improving the education and learning standards of the international Chinese language and strengthening the ideological education of international students.