Recently, Xiaoying Tao, a 2019 postgraduate student from the School of Information Management and Artificial Intelligence of ZUFE, has published an article entitled the Evolutionary Game Analysis among Three Green-Sensitive Parties in Green Supply Chains (supervisors: Associate Professor Qingqi Long, Associate Professor Ying Shi and Dr. Shuzhu Zhang) in IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (IF: 11.169), a top international journal in intelligent computing, indexed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Based on overall consideration of multiple policy factors in green supply chains, this thesis creatively puts forward the evolutionary perspective of three participating actors with green sensitivity: the government, enterprises and consumers, with an innovative development of the game model for the evolution of existing green supply chains. It also comparatively analyzes impacts of different green sensitivity and policy factors on the stability and balance of the evolutionary system through conducting numerical simulation and finding out the point where the evolution reaches a stable equilibrium state.
The study reveals the significance of green sensitivity and its position and role in the advancement of the green supply chain, which not only provides a fresh perspective for the theoretical development of the evolutionary game in the green supply chain, but is also of practical value for the supply chain management.